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Why Rekey?


Why Rekey?

Rekey ValenciaRekeying is basically the process of altering a lock to allow it to operate on a different key. You can use this service to upgrade locks or fix old issues regarding security concerns. Usually, the lock is altered in such a way that after rekeying it operates only on the new keys. This makes it extremely efficient while also being not too expensive as it doesn’t require the replacement of the entire lock. Nearly every locksmith these days knows how to rekey a lock in simple ways. But a few even went as far as to specialize in rekeying old and new locks with the use of special equipment and the latest bypass methods.
But when exactly does one feel the need to avail of this service? Let’s see a few scenarios in which your issues can be made a lot easier by the rekey service.

• When you have too many keys:

Most people nowadays own a set of huge keychains with numerous keys attached to them. These include the keys they have the keys of office locks, their personal drawers and mainly the keys of their entire household. In this situation when they have too many keys in a keychain, it often occurs that they forget the required key for the required lock. This causes wastage of time and is very frustrating. In order to remove this difficulty, however, people call locksmiths who can rekey all their locks to a single key which is easy to handle and is compatible with their locks.

• Too many people with keys.

Keys get passed around to people all the time. Homeowners and office workers often hand over keys to the workers around for cleanliness, repairing and many other purposes. Some may give a copy to neighbours for protection while the owners are not home. Yet, you can never be sure of privacy and security with your keys in other people’s possession. Someone might just create a copy for himself for malicious purposes. For this very reason, it is a good idea to call a locksmith and rekey all your personal locks so that your personal security may not be harmed by anyone.

• If you lost your keys:

If you have lost your keys then the only way to make sure that they didn’t fall into the hands of a burglar and are being misused is to call a locksmith and rekey your locks. Rekeying is cheap and has the same effect as changing locks.

• When you shift to a new house:

When you shift to a new house, the first security measure that you should take is to call a locksmith and rekey all the locks of the house because of the fact that people living in the house previously may have distributed their keys to many others. You should also check the quality of locks in your new house. If they are good enough then rekey them but if they are low in quality and are possibly old, then for your own protection, spend a bit more and change them with new ones immediately.